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splayed window造句

"splayed window"是什么意思  
  • There is also evidence for bonded return walls to both north and south as well as a splayed window.
  • In the south wall of the nave by the porch is what looks like an Anglo-Saxon double-splayed window.
  • Its interior retains a number of important period features, including paneled fireplace surrounds, chair rails and wainscoting, and splayed window lintels; the latter is a particularly rare feature in early Rehoboth architecture.
  • The buildings are of yellow brick, with a repetitive pattern of domestic scale sash windows organised within a simple arrangement of string courses and cornices, providing balancing vertical elements with splayed windows and stone quoins.
  • A distinctive feature of the house is the use of splayed window and door reveals in the front hall and the drawing room, which serve to reduce glare and also to suggest a thicker wall, inferring a weightier construction.
  • The church dates to the 11th century It is one of the smallest recorded in Taylor & Taylor's " Anglo-Saxon Architecture " and exhibits Saxon features in the proportions, the thinness of the walls, a splayed window in the south chancel wall, long-and-short work quoins with large shaped stones, and some herringbone work in the stone rubble masonry of the walls.
  • It's difficult to see splayed window in a sentence. 用splayed window造句挺难的
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